Book Covers, Tanice


The People’s Friend magazine book covers.

Cover artwork by Gerard Fay illustrating a story by Leonora Francis.


The People’s Friend magazine book covers.

Cover artwork by Gerard Fay illustrating a story by Leonora Francis.

Tanice (Period crime – 1974)

Tanice is a WPC at Scotland Yard, and the novice constable is soon involved in her first murder case with veteran Detective Janner.

Tanice: black police constable, early 20s, WPC uniform – see ref. Don’t need the hat.

Detective Janner: early 60s, full-head of hair, overweight, wearing a tight-fitting suit.

Scene to illustrate
In the usual book-style (portrait) cover, we see the characters together. Maybe an office scene would suit best, with Terry sitting at his untidy desk, feet up, and Tanice beside him, looking down at him in an endearing way.


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